Friday, March 6, 2009

Pod Casting
What a project. I have spent a lot of time and energy but have learned alot. I teach pre-k students and maybe my brain isn't thinking enough but I don't think I could use this as much as I think the older students would benifit from it. I have taken a new job recently and think I am going to try and implement this. For pre-k student I would use it in the event I had a meeting or was going to be out for the day. this would be a great way for the students to get the information the way I would deliver it and in the same process I teach without me being physically there. This activity would be great for home bound students or students who were going to be out of school. this would allow them to stay current with the class and be right on track with the rest of the students when they return.

1 comment:

  1. Shay,
    You need to get your wav on the internet. It is currently on your computer.
