Tuesday, March 24, 2009


PDF documents are a great way to sent a document to a wide range of users. A PDF will allow you to save at a smaller size. Adobe is our means of converting/saving documents to PDF's. When I saved my powerpoint as a PDF the address changed slightly- part of the address is stated as file view.
It is important to know how to do this activity- if you have a large file it will be condenced and saved as a smaller file. You will free up space used when this is done.
My issues stem from the powerpoint not saving the way I needed it to. Frustration level was high. I have concers about the sharing part of the assignment- not sure how else you can share the PDF. Is there a link?
This would be great to do to send information out to students or colleges as well as use the PDF version to print out if needed.

Action Buttons & Google Presentations


The Jeopardy game is a great review for all students. With this assignment I have learned that the action buttons allow you to create a powerpoint that is interactive. This is a lot better than spending lots of money on a commercial version of the game. Students could also use this template and create their own game for thier classmates to use. Just as you said in an email- hopefully students will walk away with more information on power point- many young students have the basic skills and this allows you to step up the technology in the classroom. To start this activity I would pair students up and have them take a section of the study and create the title and five question. This would allow students to experiment with the action buttons and review question- great to help student with outlining- you have to pick important questions/answers for the game. You can not write everything (limited to five questions per section.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Power Point


I have used power point since I was in undergrad. I have used this tool in all levels of my teaching. With a few days to go over all the areas you can let students free to explore and create. Power point is an easy way to teach your child to create a presentation. Students who do not feel comfortable standing infront of a class and talking can gain confidence by using power point. I have had some second graders create some great power points- they loved the creativity they research projects were much better and they were at ease when presenting to the rest of their peers.

Side Note: I have limited computer usage- my hard drive crashed the other day and has created a hardship when it comes to getting my work completed. Dell sent out the new hard drive but the tech guy doesn't have what he needs to transfer all my files- all my work from Fairmont was saved there! It is NO fun not having a computer to use when you need to.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Pod Casting

What a project. I have spent a lot of time and energy but have learned alot. I teach pre-k students and maybe my brain isn't thinking enough but I don't think I could use this as much as I think the older students would benifit from it. I have taken a new job recently and think I am going to try and implement this. For pre-k student I would use it in the event I had a meeting or was going to be out for the day. this would be a great way for the students to get the information the way I would deliver it and in the same process I teach without me being physically there. This activity would be great for home bound students or students who were going to be out of school. this would allow them to stay current with the class and be right on track with the rest of the students when they return.